Both the kids got teenage boys for coaches and Gilly was surprised as her previous coach was a girl. I guess we always assume they would allocate based on gender. Greg carefully walked into the water with his coach while the coach asked me about Greg's swim abilities. Right away he caught on that Greg wasn't comfortable with the water. The kids were taken to the Lazy river and Greg knew that it was going to be deeper than his height. Quickly the coach grabbed onto Greg's hands. In a minute Greg started to smile alittle. They started off with the kicking lessons.

Water on Greg's face... "Get it off"
By second day of lesson, Greg was happy and excited start his lessons. He has since gotten more comfortable in the water and likes to jump into the water. He dares to dunk his face into the water and hold his breath for 4 counts. His kick is getting stronger and he doesn't bend his knee too much. I just hope he can float by end of this summer. He still doesn't straighten his arms when he is holding the float and the coach says its because of the age, they tend to do that at this age. I'm not worried for now.
Please don't drop me, I don't trust this noodle, I usually eat noodles not float on it.
Gilly has had swim lessons before, last year her coach worked on her floating and freestyle. This year, after briefly telling her coach that the last lesson she had was last summer, he was surprise that she just jumping in and started swimming again. I guess its like cycling, where once you know it you won't forget it.
She is just learning to inhale and exhale while swimming, I know it sounds easy but it takes a while to master it. I still mess up my breathing sometimes. She can now swim the length of 12 strokes.
Gilly,my fearless Gilly, has fear of heights, we found out when she went on Tower of Terrors, so you can imagine how much she loves the diving board. Part of their lessons involves climbing up those tiny steps and walking across the board, stand and start at the water... trying to gain the courage to jump into the water, and finally taking the plunge. My girl last year would stand at the tip of the board for 5 minutes. Yes, 5 long minutes and it would just infuriate me. I know I have height issues too but to stand there for 5 minutes is a torture. I kept telling her its just better to jump in and get it over than to torture yourself for 5 minutes. This year to my SURPRISE, she just got on and jumped right away. I was so happy and figured my girl is now braver as she is 1 year older. In the car, I commented that she did good on the diving board and what made her jump off right away. She said "I just want to quickly jump off so you won't scold me". Guilty feeling gushed over me.... oh well at least she jumped!!
Holy Macaroli.. or is it Holy Macaroni? Is that my daughter?
While waiting for the kids, I found ways to amuse myself. Not once did I bring my knitting bag nor a magazine to keep myself occupied. Day 2, I was ticked to see this cute activities. Yes, I could not believe that a family of ducks, mommy duck and her ducklings were swimming in the lazy river. She made a few rounds on it before the lifeguards got them out of the pool.
Mummy Duck and baby ducklings... 8 of them

Another day, I found myself amused watching one little 3 year old that refuses to go into the pool and her guard had to spend 30 minutes coaxing her to get it, and stay in the pool. She kept wanting to get out and he would in his gentle way get her to hold the float. I was laughing when I see how helpless he gets. He never once lost his cool and got her to a few times float and kick. These are high school kids... and they have shown how responsible they can be. Kudos to them!!
The kids will have one more lesson, I doubt Greg will be able to float by that lesson and its OK. I do have the rest of the summer to take them to the water park. We got the season pass and do go there as often as we can. We usually spend an hour or two there to get the kids out of the house. They both just love the water park and would beg to go there every morning. At least I got them to love the water.. hehehe... ciao
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