April 16, 2017

How to store vinyl rolls

I've dabbled into the world of decal for a few years.  It was a hobby and the thrill of seeing my kids and friends loving what I made for them was just fulfilling.  I realize early on that buying them  by sheets as just not economical especially when I wasn't making a dime.  And then started the problem of storage.  I kept them in bins and having to open boxes to find them was getting a bit of a nuisance.

As a frugal person,  I didn't want to spend $500 on a rack system, and finally realize, reuse wood!!!  Gilly had outgrown her old bedroom deco and I made her a headboard looking like a picket fence..  I gave hubby the idea I had brewing ... and he finally made it right.

Remember, always center the base before adding a lazy susan so that the tower will not be leaning tower of Kwannies.


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