April 29, 2008

How to Kill Ants

The weather is getting warmer and that means those creepy crawlies are out again. If you find your house infested with ants, don't bother calling the Pest Controllers that will charge you and arm and a leg. Try this simple method first which should take about a week. This mixture NEEDS to take a few days to a week but it works. It a mixture of borax and sugar so the ants would take it back to its nest and feed it to the Queen thus killing the source of your pain.

Questions about pets eating it, I doubt it would as I do have a dog in the house. The amount that you need is little so I doubt if your dog or cat would ingest it, it would kill them. Now, please don't leave a bowlful of this mixture cos then it would be too much even for me... hahaha...

Just mix: 1/ 4 cup powdered sugar and 2 tbsp borax.

It is alot for even ants so keep them in a secure container for future use (I still have mine from 2 years ago under my sink). Sprinkle a bit of this mixture in the midst of the ant traffic so they would take it back to their nest.

I've made this mixture for my neighbors too. I'd one neighbor who had so much ants that he had to come and ask for me but his ants has now all gone to heaven. Good Luck.. If after 2 weeks and you still have tat much ants.. do call the Pest controller...

Don't let your kids eat those sugar mix ok.....


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this wonderful tips. My house too lately lots of ants crawling around on my kitchen stove.

Beachlover on 05 May, 2008 22:20 said...

thanks for the tips but in summer my house have a lot of giant flies.Any tips to make this flies go away ?

Geraldine on 07 May, 2008 22:01 said...

Suesue, hope it works.

beachlover, sorry.. only thing i can think off.. flyswatter which is also good on my kids butts... shhhhhhh


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