February 11, 2009

Blooming Hibiscus in February

We are in the month of February and what you see in the photo is my hibiscus plant which is blooming her first bud today. The plant has a more buds developing. Yes, it is possible to bring in the hibiscus plant that is sold during summer at the nursery or in my case Jewell-Osco Grocery. This is my 2nd winter I've brought the plant into the house before the first frost. However last winter and summer this plant didn't flower. I did think of tossing it this fall and buying new one next year. I changed my mind somehow and decided to play with this plant to see what I could do... I pulled out the whole plant and discarded its soil, loosen the roots and repotted it. It seems what I did worked because I now have a flowering hibiscus. I just gotta remind myself that I now need to add more fertilizer as this plant needs alot of it when its flowering.
Maybe you could bring in your plant and save yourself $15 a year by not tossing it out annually.
Added on 2/18/09: I notice that my hibiscus bloom last longer than usual. In summers, the bloom would only last a day before it falls off. I've notice my bloom lasting a good 2 whole days.



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