November 14, 2008

My Not-So-New Laptop

Introducing my newest toy... or rather not so new toy.. Toshiba P305-S8838. I just love my new toy except for the weight.. hubby got too enthusiastic about gadgets and insisted on buying a 17" instead of 15". Why do I love this laptop? Because I can drag it anywhere in the house and it sits on my dining table in the kitchen alot. I just love to try out recipes from other bloggers and it just easy for me to have it next to me in the kitchen. I used to have to run the stairs to my loft to look at some recipes. I know it was good workout but this is so nice. I can chat online while I'm baking or cooking as well. We bought this laptop from Costco, hubby had been wanting another PC as I do hog the only one we had. I insisted that the laptop had to be a Toshiba as I worked for a Toshiba distributor and know how reliable they are. I also insisted that we only buy it from Costco as Costco has good 2 year extended warranty for computers. We waited for good 2 months to see if this laptop would go on sale.. and it finally did.. we paid $899 (after $100 rebate) for it while it retails $1200. I just need to kick my lazy butt to install all my software to the laptop, and I would be able to blog fully here. For now, I still upload my photos to the old pc.. then upload it to blogspot... hehehe.. I know I know... I promise I will do so in near future *grin* Till then... have a good day.


Anonymous said...

Oh!! You have nice laptop... I too got nice one from Toshiba...

Geraldine on 15 November, 2008 09:52 said...

Timothy,: thanks for dropping by. Yes, we waited patiently for this unit.. I'm very happy with it. Toshiba is a very reliable PC.

Beachlover on 17 November, 2008 00:34 said...

I'm so jelousy of you.I wanna a new laptop too..wish hubby grant my wished.anyway,congratulation:))


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