3 nights ago, in my dream I told myself, "you can go for pancake breakfast with your girls now" and within a few seconds, I realized in my sleep that for the rest of my life, I've lost my best buddy. That buddy who was a leech that stuck to me 24/7... he won't be with me constantly anymore. I've been dreaming for the last 8 years of some quiet and "me" time and now that its here, I'm having mixed feelings. I'm happy my baby is now going to school, I've done my part as a mom to change his diaper, feed him, take him to the park or to the zoo all those years and he is so eager to go to school, and yet I'm sad that I'm losing that one constant person that is always with me... he was always there to show me I'm needed... and now I'm not needed for 5 hours a day. OK.. OK... I guess I am allowed to be a pity potty for a few minutes. I do know that I will do my happy jiggle when they get on the bus... but I do know I'm going to shed a few tears when Greg gets on the bus. I'm entitled to that feeling...
What will be doing with my new free 5 hours when Greg is in school? I have a few plans and hopefully I'll follow through with them. I will have 1 hour with Greg before Gilly gets home so maybe my best buddy and I can goof around abit... oh yeah... dream on... there is homework!!!!
I've been "begging" Greg to stay home with me... here are a few of our conversations:
Me: Greggy, can you stay home with mummy?
Greg: No, mummy, I want to go to school.
Me: Don't you want play with me?
Greg: I want to go to school, school is fun
Me: Greg, I know you don't want to go to school, you love to stay with mummy.
Greg: Mummy, I love going to school.
Me: I know you love school but you love mummy even more.
Greg: But I want to go to school to learn
Another time:
Me: Hey, why don't you stay home with me.
Greg: No, I need to go to school
Me: I'll be so bored, nobody to play with me and bug me.
Greg: Mummy, you play with Shan Shan
Me: But Shan just sleeps all the time
Greg: Why don't you throw the bone at Shan
Yesterday's conversation after his school orientation...
Me: Greggy, I'm going to lock you in your closet so you can't go to school
Greg: No mummy, I love the school. Its so fun, I like my teacher. I want to go to school mummy.
Today's conversation...
Me: Greg, I'm going to let you sleep at midnight, you can play with the computer. We can play Wii fit and Mario Kart, you can watch TV all night long.
Greg: (puzzle and amazed look) wow.. I can play computer???
Gilly: (giggles) Greg, mummy is trying to trick you!! She wants you to sleep late so you wake up late and don't go to school.
Greg: Mummy, No I'm going to go to bed early. I have to wake up to go to sc hool.
Later in Costco...
Me: Greg, how about this... if you stay home and not go to school, I will buy you one big big big bag of M&Ms...
Greg: (he ran over to touch that big big bag of M&Ms)... I want to go to school! (he folded his hands and walked away from the M&Ms)
Oh well... at least I tried.. hehehe....
I know my baby is ready for school as he wasn't one bit shy when we went to his new class for his orientation. And I'll be on my new adventure with 5 hours of freedom.
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